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Get all your books in one affordable bundle with BucBooks

BucBooks是一个负担得起的教科书租赁程序,它可以让你摆脱获得课堂材料的所有麻烦. Through this program, you can save money on your textbooks, lab manuals, 还有电子版,在你第一天上课前方便地送到. 所有布林学生自动注册,并可选择退出.

Compare Pricing

BucBooks每学期为您节省高达50%的课程材料费用. 将每学分24美元的BucBooks价格与选择退出的图书价格进行比较: Blinn College Bookstore 

Opting Out

BucBooks旨在帮助威尼斯人博彩的学生以折扣价轻松获得课程材料, but we certainly understand that it may not fit every student. 如果你不希望参加BucBooks计划,你必须每个学期选择退出. You can change your program status 30 days before the semester begins. The last days to opt-out for the May Minimester, Summer I, Summer II and Fall semester are as follows:

May Mini 2024 - May 14, 2024

Summer I and Summer II 2024 - June 13, 2024

Fall 2024 - September 6, 2024



Frequently Asked Questions

BucBooks是一种课程材料模型,可以降低学生的材料成本,并确保学生在上课的第一天或之前获得所有必需的课程材料. Through this new program, 纸质书将方便地包装,以租赁的方式提供给学生, 数字材料将直接在校园内交付. Costs will be applied as a book fee. At the end of the term, 学生将收到电子邮件提醒,将他们的实物课程材料归还给书店.

  • 注册你的课程,书店将开始准备你的课程材料
  • One month before classes start, 您将收到一封电子邮件,指示您选择您的送货偏好(店内提货或直接发货给您)
  • 当您的订单准备好取件或发货时,将发送电子邮件通知
  • 您的数字材料将交付您的课程(s)内 Ecampus

BucBooks provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital materials to eligible students.

BucBooks不包括不能返回和重复使用的消耗品,如实验室护目镜, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits or nursing kits.


校园内为您的课程提供数字材料. 要访问您的材料,请选择课程中的“BucBooks”链接.

Watch Brightspace video 

而BucBooks提供方便和负担得起的所有必需的课程材料, 学生可以通过以下方式选择退出该计划 link. 选择退出的学生将需要获得所需的教科书, lab manuals, access codes, and digital materials.

BucBooks is an all-encompassing program, 这意味着当你选择退出时,你选择退出了这学期的所有课程. 选择退出的学生将负责购买该学期所有课程的课程材料.

To change your status and opt into BucBooks, please visit the link found in you opt-out confirmation email, or click here. 请注意,选择退出窗口在学期开始前30天开放,您必须在最早的加/退截止日期之前做出最终选择.


本学期期末考试的最后一天是归还所有租来的课本的截止日期. 学生将在租赁截止日期前收到电子邮件提醒.

Yes, BucBooks计划为您提供了在退货期间以折扣价购买教科书的选择.

是的,你仍然需要交回继续课程的课本. 下个学期的续读课程,你将被授予相同的头衔.

学生们将收到书店的电子邮件和电话,提醒他们核实他们的订单. If the student does not opt-out, rental materials will be held at the bookstore, digital materials will be accessible within Ecampus, and the students account will be charged.

Yes, if the student does not opt out, 他们的材料将存放在书店,他们的学生账户将被扣款.

If you have already received your materials, 你可以在48小时内把书还到书店. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, 书店将交换所需的教科书或访问代码,以确保您拥有当前课程计划所需的内容.

Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks. 如果你不归还课本,捆绑包的费用将保留在你的学生账户上.

你的校园书店可以提供有关BucBooks计划的帮助. For students on the Brenham, Schulenburg, and Sealy campuses, you can contact the Brenham Campus bookstore at Bryan和RELLIS校区的学生可以联系Bryan校园书店

Please visit our Faculty FAQ page.

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